Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hillary, the Artful Dodger:

I am so relieved that I could just kick back, eat my bon-bons while watching American Idol and give nary a care to the troubles of the world, because we have people like Hillary Clinton who can pinpoint the source of evil and pounce upon it before it goes viral.

One would think that with all the horrors going on in this world, it would be a no-brainer to isolate and identify the source and take it to task. But no, it's not as easy as it seems. What may appear obvious to the normal us regular folk, is not necessarily the grander truth. And that is what Hillary strives to achieve...the grander truth. You see, Hillary goes beyond the obvious. Her talent in this endeavor is outstanding and transcends the realm of the normal mind.

Hillary, in fact, takes it to an art form when dodging past

honor killings inspired by Shariah law-
the persecution of Christians throughout the various Muslim dictatorships, now stepped up in Egypt since the Arab "Spring" -
the Islamic call to murder Jews wherever the hell we may be -
the Islamic jihadists intolerance to any religion outside of Islam and the call to conquer the west and spread Shariah law throughout the world -
the indoctrination of children to become homicidal suicide bombers -
the hanging of homosexuals in the city square of countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran -
the Muslim demagogues who rally the masses to completely obliterate Israel off the map -
the absence of basic rights for women in Muslim society and the inherent wanton abuse of women and of female children as young as the age of 6, forced into marriages with men pedophiles.

Yes, Hillary is able to look well past all this superficial and inconsequential evil and get to the crux of the matter. She artfully dodges the obvious and instead targets the gender separate-seated buses that run through a few ultra orthodox neighborhoods in Israel. Never mind the fact that these buses are not government enforced but are a matter of choice on the part of particular communities. Nor do these gender separate-seated buses serve to demean one gender over another. The men and women from these communities feel more comfortable when not having to rub up against the other on crowded buses while traveling to and from work. Now, separate seating is not my cup of tea, but I don't have to ride these buses. I prefer the ones where men and women are squished up against each other. A form of social networking that I generally have no problem with. Okay, I'm depraved. I admit it. Whatever....

The point is....thank goodness for Hillary Clinton's indefatigable courage to direct her condemnation at Israel's "eroding" democratic values by  voicing her objections to the men and women who choose to sit separately on a bus. God only knows how many innocent lives her exposé will save.


  1. She should have someone coming before and behind her with a sign that reads, "caution, genius at work"... The only problem with that is, she would probably believe it was true! Hmm, is that akin to being a pathological liar that cannot seem to get a grip on truth or reality? ;-)

    1. No, unfortunately no one in the current administration has a grip on reality and Hillary has her own agenda -- and it isn't one that is favorable to Israel.
