Sunday, December 14, 2014

The dish of milk by Israel's front door.

The Israeli government has been following a policy of playing down the extent of the barbarism of the Arab Muslim terrorists among us. 
The link at the end of this post is of a video that delves into this in depth. It is very graphic but important to watch to the end and begs the following questions:
Why is the Israeli government going to such lengths to cover up/deny the barbarism of our enemy to the Israeli public and to the world at large?
Why is the Israeli government pretending that there is a solution to the Arab/Israeli conflict when all evidence is to the contrary?
After everything has been said and done, and indeed, everything HAS been said and done, it boils down to this: The only chance we have of attaining peace is when we accept that there is no solution. And what I mean by peace, is containment.

Whether you choose the Two State or the One State plan, both of these are not solutions.
The former is a recipe for national suicide and the latter, which calls for annexation of Judea and Samaria, is a policy that should have been implemented immediately after the Six Day War. But, by no means is it today, a solution to the Arab/Israeli conflict.
And please….no demographic lecture. On the heels of Israel’s victory in 1967, the Arab Muslims in Judea, Samaria and Gaza had their suitcases packed.
We enticed them to stay.
A) Reaching for that coveted "solution." B) Lack of foresight C) Misplaced priorities. D) Sheer stupidity
Frankly, anytime the world uses the term “solution” with regard to our future fate, we Jews should all be very wary.
In any event, there can only be a solution when both sides want it. It’s really not so complicated. So let’s stop deluding ourselves already. We have been on the receiving end of their terror for one hundred years, way before the hit-phrase of “occupied territory” could ever hope to reach the top ten.
Our leadership knows better than anyone else that there is no solution to the Arab/Israeli conflict. Yet, despite this knowledge, the governing leaders of Israel as well as the opposition's logic-deficient, Give-Peace-A-Chanceniks, who stubbornly delude themselves because “um--duh - there must be a solution – um--duh,” continue to dance to the tune of the world powers and pretend that a solution is possible by cutting and pasting the map of Israel this way and that way.
Since our leaders are busy doing the world's bidding by searching for a "solution" rather than getting down to the business of implementing deterrents, and
since they persist on following a policy of acquiescence to terrorists and their enablers, forget about Israel ever seeing peace...Israel won't even get to see containment.
Enough! the people say. Draw the curtain down. This show has blown.
But It’s like Cats…It just doesn’t go away. Because our Prime Minister keeps putting a dish of milk by our front door.
Hence, Israel continues to talk about solutions all the while the majority of the Arab Muslim population engages itself in euphoric…nay, orgasmic dances in the street at every news report about one of their own successfully murdering or maiming Jews.
And then there are always those few yet annoying voices from our ranks who say:
“Oh, but they really don’t feel that way. It’s only the leaders.”
“Oh, it’s only Hamas. The PA are moderates.”
“But the world will hate us should we defend our lives and they’ll say and do nasty things to us.”
Seriously…. Shut the #### up.

The best we have to hope for in the reality we live in is containment. And to achieve this, our leaders must find their backbones.
They must seriously, and not half-heartedly, crack down on all terrorists, their families and their pet goats who dare throw one stone, one Molotov cocktail at us - those who attack us with acid, machetes, vehicles and guns, and those who incite others to follow suit, be they Imams, the PA "President” or the guy who romances the donkeys. Destroy their entire homes, not just the front vestibule. Kick them all out. Enough with coddling, feeding and educating the enemy. If you don’t blast the terrorists into the next galaxy then send them the hell out of our country through UPS Air. Destination: Who gives a damn.
Enough with us Jews paying for the water, the electricity and the education of all those whose raison d’etre is to murder us.
Enough with skipping to the tune of the Pied Piper, a.k.a the U.S., Europeans and all those who would lead us to the sea like rats.
Enough with appeasing the "world powers."
They are all members of a united front of nations that are determined to continue the legacy of their predecessors of unadulterated Jew hatred until they finally finish us off. 2014/15 is not going to be the year of the beloved Jew.
Accept it and deal with it.
You guys in the Likud and Bayit Yehudi….You want to win this election?
Start earning your pay check. Clean up our streets, roads, neighborhoods, villages and hills and leave no terrorist cell intact and leave no tunnel ignored. No more band-aid tactics. Treat the enemy as an enemy and not as “peace partners.”
We've got a war on our hands. Get the led out.
Stand up to the EU. Stand up to Obama and his ilk. Just friggin stand up.

The following is the video that discusses the Israeli government covering up for the murderers in our midst. WARNING: I repeat, It is very graphic.
Zahava Englard

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Israel in Our Times

There is no honor in life. No honor in death. 
No honorable leaders. 
The passion of conviction is dulled. Principled beliefs are on permanent leave. 
There is nothing. 
But the sound of dirt shoveled onto a baby's corpse.
The mother's tears insignificant and disregarded.
And before the stone is even set above the grave, the impotent warriors that traipse through the Knesset strain their necks in every direction but up to the heavens,
to garner world opinion, nefarious and depraved, 

as the ultimate coveted prize of mankind.