Back together with One Israel Fund and working alongside two dear friends, Marc Provisor and Eve Harow on a day trip through the communities of Gush Etzion in the Judean Hills....
One Israel Fund, dedicated to providing humanitarian and security assistance to the Jewish communities throughout Judea and Samaria, is pleased to show the heartland of Israel to all who wish to visit. The day trips are enlightening, engaging, inspiring, heartening and entertaining!
Just for fun, I took the liberty to jot down snippets from conversations of trip participants as well as staff members throughout the day:
“We live in Jerusalem and we’ve planted lemon trees and apples and plums in our little garden.”
“I lived in Puerto Rico for 32 years.”
“Of course I noticed how cute those soldiers are! I’m not dead!”
“Just came on aliyah a few weeks ago.”
“Do you straighten your hair?”
“Let me give you some advice…”
“One Israel Fund fills in the Gaps!”
“This community has its own dairy farm, turns around the lives of lost youth, and has a pre-military mechina.”
“I always wanted to marry an Israeli and I did!”
“To be a shepherd one must have strong leadership qualities and much patience.”
“Marc said I need to drink more water.”
“We’ve met two modern day shepherds.”
“Roll call!”
“Next stop, the brewery in Gush Etzion!”
“One Land – One People − One Israel.”
“It doesn’t make sense to tour this land without a Tanach in hand.”
“The soldiers love the One Israel Fund days when someone donates to the shluker campaign!”
“Wow, you look so much younger than your age!”
“Mmm. Now this is good beer.”
“I don’t think he’s listening so I can tell you now that Marc has saved many Jewish lives in Yehuda and Shomron.”
“Looks like we’re gathering a nice bunch of groupies.”
“Look around you and tell me if you see all your children?”
“Only from a place of strength can we stop terror.”
“Zahava said we have more water bottles.”
“He started digging the foundation for his new home and found a mikvah from the days of the second Temple.”
“We will be giving out life saving equipment to the community’s head of security.”
“We are about No more Jewish Victims.”
“Let me give you some advice.”
“Oh? You mean you didn’t know I’m a world renowned author?”
“Activism comes in many varieties.”
“Just spoke to a group of ravshatzim about preventive security needs that One Israel Fund can help them with.”
“Eve said we should drink water even if we don’t feel thirsty.”
“In 1967 they went to Kever Rachel and thanked her for her help in bringing us home.”
“How does she know so much?”
“Join us in preventing terror attacks on our people.”
“We are one people.”
“Take a look at our projects and see the many ways you can help keep our heartland strong.”
“Marc, Eve and Zahava – They’re like the Mod Squad.”
“Can I give you some advice?”
“It’s days like today that make an indelible imprint on one’s heart.”
“Community security heads work 48 hour days and 24 days a week.”
“Join us in building our communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron and making them flourish!”
“Sign me up!”
“Of course I noticed how cute those soldiers are! I’m not dead!”
“Just came on aliyah a few weeks ago.”
“Do you straighten your hair?”
“Let me give you some advice…”
“One Israel Fund fills in the Gaps!”
“This community has its own dairy farm, turns around the lives of lost youth, and has a pre-military mechina.”
“I always wanted to marry an Israeli and I did!”
“To be a shepherd one must have strong leadership qualities and much patience.”
“Marc said I need to drink more water.”
“We’ve met two modern day shepherds.”
“Roll call!”
“Next stop, the brewery in Gush Etzion!”
“One Land – One People − One Israel.”
“It doesn’t make sense to tour this land without a Tanach in hand.”
“The soldiers love the One Israel Fund days when someone donates to the shluker campaign!”
“Wow, you look so much younger than your age!”
“Mmm. Now this is good beer.”
“I don’t think he’s listening so I can tell you now that Marc has saved many Jewish lives in Yehuda and Shomron.”
“Looks like we’re gathering a nice bunch of groupies.”
“Look around you and tell me if you see all your children?”
“Only from a place of strength can we stop terror.”
“Zahava said we have more water bottles.”
“He started digging the foundation for his new home and found a mikvah from the days of the second Temple.”
“We will be giving out life saving equipment to the community’s head of security.”
“We are about No more Jewish Victims.”
“Let me give you some advice.”
“Oh? You mean you didn’t know I’m a world renowned author?”
“Activism comes in many varieties.”
“Just spoke to a group of ravshatzim about preventive security needs that One Israel Fund can help them with.”
“Eve said we should drink water even if we don’t feel thirsty.”
“In 1967 they went to Kever Rachel and thanked her for her help in bringing us home.”
“How does she know so much?”
“Join us in preventing terror attacks on our people.”
“We are one people.”
“Take a look at our projects and see the many ways you can help keep our heartland strong.”
“Marc, Eve and Zahava – They’re like the Mod Squad.”
“Can I give you some advice?”
“It’s days like today that make an indelible imprint on one’s heart.”
“Community security heads work 48 hour days and 24 days a week.”
“Join us in building our communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron and making them flourish!”
“Sign me up!”